[Zope-CMF] Re: DCWorkflow question...

suresh_vv sureshvv@hotmail.com
Fri, 02 May 2003 14:41:52 -0000

--- In zopeCMF@yahoogroups.com, Shane Hathaway <shane@Z...> wrote:
> Braun Brelin wrote:
> > I've posted to the mailing lists but I haven't had much luck, so 
I figured that
> > I'd drop you an e-mail to ask...
> > 
> > I'm trying to figure out how to use DCWorkflow to only allow a 
reviewer to see a
> > "published" document based on a specific criteria.  For example, 
if I have a
> > form that needs to be submitted to a supervisor, I only want the 
supervisor to
> > be able to review the form, not everyone who has the 'reviewer' 
role or who has
> > the appropriate permissions.  I'm assuming that I can use 
the "guard" expression
> > property in workflow worklists, but there's almost no 
documentation on how to
> > make this work.
> No, you shouldn't use a guard expression for this.  The guard 
> controls whether the review link is visible at all.  It doesn't 
have any 
> effect on which items reviewers should see.
> <snip>
> I admit this isn't very clear.  That's because I really don't like 
> way it works, but no one has come up with anything better.
> Shane

How about placing the objects into different folders and using the 
Zope local roles to partition them for different reviewers?
