[Zope-CMF] cmfstaging

Dan Axline waxline@dsndata.com
Sat, 03 May 2003 19:29:43 -0500

I had a bit of trouble getting the repository-aware workflow to not 
choke.  There were a few things that were not explicit in the post below 
that took me a little bit to figure out:

The CMFStaging tools (portal_versions, portal_workflow, portal_lock, and 
portal_staging) are created through the ZMI by adding a "CMFStaging 
Tool".  Be sure to delete the default portal_workflow tool before trying 
to add the CMFStaging portal_workflow tool.

Also, add a "Repository" with id "VersionRepository" through the ZMI.
Also, add a "Workflow Repository" with id "workflow_repository" through 
the ZMI.

Also, you may need to add the "tidy" and "staging" skins to the top of 
your skin path rather than the bottom.

- Daniel

Adam Fields wrote:
 > On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 04:25:18PM -0500, Rocky Burt wrote:
 >>Any pointers?

> I'm going through this as well. As far as I can tell:
> - You'll have to add all of the CMFStaging tools to your CMF Site
>   through the ZMI.
> - Then you'll have to create the folders to represent your stages. See
>   tests/testStaging.py for guidance here.
> - Make sure you install ZopeVersionControl as well, otherwise the
>   version control won't work.
> - Add the tidy and staging skins to your site using the portal_skins
>   tool.
> - Then, you'll need to add a GUI around all this stuff to call the
>   underlying APIs to do what you want. There's no demo GUI. Look at
>   the test code.
> - Of particular interest is the updateStages function, which migrates
>   assets in one stage to another.
> - Use the locking functions to do lock management.