[Zope-CMF] Product properties: set and get ?
Chris Withers
Mon, 12 May 2003 16:00:19 +0100
D2 wrote:
> I tried this :
> def add_ClassProperty(product, klass, property, value):
> """Change a class properties
> The class must have PropertyManager in its hierarchy
> """
> exec 'from %s import %s' % (product, klass)
> exec 'setattr(%s, property, value)' % (klass)
> exec '%s._properties=%s._properties+({\'id\':property,
> \'type\':\'string\'},)' % (klass, klass)
> add_ClassProperty('OFS.Folder', \
> 'Folder', 'New_property', 'New Value')
Aaagggh! What ARE you doing?
More to the point, why are you doing it?
And, more usefully, what are you actually trying to achieve here?