[Zope-CMF] index_html acquisition
David Hart
Sat, 17 May 2003 10:55:08 +1000
Chris Withers wrote:
> Troy Farrell wrote:
>> I suppose instead you could add this line to your __init__():
>> setattr(self,'index_html',Acquisition.Acquired)
> You could write that slightly more neatly as:
> self.index_html = Acquisition.Acquired
I've tried setting index_html both ways, (but both in __init__() since
the first instance of my object is a subclass of PloneSite which
contains an index_html CMF Document object -- setting index_html in the
class declaration throws an error)
Now the strange part:
Instances of the product add without incident. Instances of my folderish
object add without incident.
The first render of works fine (e.g.
http://scotty/a2test9/page3/page3.1/) and the index_html page is
inherited from the root.
The second render (and all subsequent renders) throw this error:
The object at http://scotty/a2test9/page3/page3.1/index_html has an
empty or missing docstring. Objects must have a docstring to be published.
Huh? What might be going on here?