[Zope-CMF] Using CMFVisualEditor
Andrew Veitch
Tue, 27 May 2003 16:03:11 +0100
Clare and I work together but just to have a solution in the mail archives
the fixes are:
1) The form must have a name="edit_form" attribute
2) The textarea name must be "text" not "data"
Logical Progression Ltd, 20 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH, UK
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On 21/5/03 2:03 pm, "Clare Scrivener" <clare@charmedcircle.co.uk> wrote:
> Does anyone have any info about using CMFVisualEditor in a form?
> <form action="formtest" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
> <iframe name="visedit"
> style="width:507px; height:400px; border:solid gray 1 px;"
> src="visualeditor_edit?BASEURL=http://my_url">
> </iframe>
> <textarea name="data:text" rows="1" cols="60" style="visibility:hidden;">
> </textarea>
> <input type="submit" value="ok" />
> </form>
> I read that CMFVisualEditor uses the textarea named "data:text" in the form,
> but input into the VisualEditor inline frame does not end up in the data
> variable
> in the request.