[Zope-CMF] Store development with CMF (new guy)
Tres Seaver
30 May 2003 11:41:32 -0400
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 15:11, Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Troy Farrell wrote:
> > I assume you mean no other CMFCore or CMFDefault code or skins...
> > Some of my custom apps and skins rely upon decorated users. Should this
> > be done differently?
> Do your custom apps and skins truly rely on decorated users, or do they
> rely on users with particular attributes (such as 'email', 'birthdate',
> etc)?
Actually, direct attribute access is evil: such applications should use
the member object's 'getProperty' method.
> You don't need to decorate the users if they already have the
> required attributes. A standard Zope user folder does not provide extra
> attributes, but a custom user folder might.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com