[Zope-CMF] Re: Re: Understanding the login mechanism

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Fri Oct 10 14:35:07 EDT 2003

Gitte Wange wrote at 2003-10-10 09:34 +0200:
 > On Thu, 09 Oct 2003 21:15:35 +0200, Dieter Maurer wrote:
 > > Gitte Wange wrote at 2003-10-9 13:28 +0200:
 > >  > ...
 > >  > I have 2 sites - mainsite.com and remotesite.com. User gitte logs into
 > >  > remotesite.com
 > >  > Then the user goes to mainsite.com
 > >  > Now mainsite.com asks remotesite.com if user gitte is logged in (by using
 > >  > XMLRPC)
 > > 
 > > We do something like this using encryption.
 > > 
 > > The link from "remotesite.com" to "mainsite.com" contains
 > > the info: "I come from 'remotesite.com'" and an encrypted secret.
 > > 
 > > "remotesite.com" and "mainsite.com" have exchanged encryption
 > > keys. "mainsite.com" sees an incoming request from "remotesite.com"
 > > and uses its key to decrypt the secret. It gives:
 > > the source (i.e. 'remotesite.com'), the user identity and a timestamp.
 > > If the sources agree and the timestamp is fresh, then the user
 > > is authenticated.
 > Sounds like a very useable solution :-)
 > Do you have any code examples I can look at?

We use it with a partner. He is the "remotesite" and encrypts
while we are the "mainsite" and only decrypt.

The partner sends us an URL of the form


In the code below "self" represents the partner object (identified
via "CallerID").

from M2Crypto.EVP import Cipher
from base64 import decodestring
from cgi import parse_qsl

def checkEncrypted(self,profile):
  '''check whether *profile* is a valid encypted profile.

  returns 'None', if there is no encryption for this partner;
  otherwise, a dictionary containing the decoded profile is returned.
  If the dictionary contains 'Error', it is the first error
  detected during verification.

  *profile* and the key are expected to be base64 encoded.
  p= self._findPolicySpecs(PolicyType_Encrypted) # database lookup
  cursor= self._cursor
  profile= decodestring(profile)
  ec= PolicyEncrypted(cursor,p[0][0]) # database lookup
  # decode
  dc= Cipher(ec.Name,decodestring(ec.KeyValue),profile[:8],0)
  dv= dc.update(profile[8:]) + dc.final()
  # make dict
  r= {}
  for key,val in parse_qsl(dv): r[key]= val

  # check CallerID
  if r.get('CallerID') != self.CallerID:
    r['ErrorCode']= '401'
    return r
  # check timestamp
  ts= r.get('TimeStamp',0)
  try: fts= float(ts)
  except ValueError: fts= 0
  ttl= ec.TimeToLive; mts= time(); diff= abs(mts-fts)
  if diff > ttl:
    r['ErrorCode']= '403'
    return r

  # successful
  return r


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