[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF 1.5 beta coming -- last call before feature freeze!

Gregoire Weber gregweb at gmx.ch
Fri Aug 6 13:07:08 EDT 2004

Hi Florent!

>>    1) about adding a 'Script (Python)' to the root with the
>>       name 'resolve' to get to a content item by unique id?
>>       (CMFDefault)
>What would it do exactly ? 

Good question!

I see four possibiliies

   1) return the object
      This results in http://example.com/permalink/1234 returning the
      object (good for search engines)

   2) redirect to the object
      This results in http://example.com/original/location/of/item
      (is this good for search engines?)

   3+4) return/redirect to the view method or to the bare object?
        Resulting in http://example.com/permalink/1234 or 
        http://example.com/permalink/1234/view or ...

And doing the permalink/1234 thing looks like it'll be necessary to make a
new content type (hmmm).

>Anyway 'resolve' is way too generic a name
>and is probably already used as a propert name or something by many

I'm not bound to names, do you have a better name?

What about 'permalink'? 

   http://example.com/permalink/1234 (where 1234 is the unique id of the document)


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