[Zope-CMF] Re: CMFUid isn't generating real uids

Gregoire Weber gregweb at gmx.ch
Tue Aug 17 18:15:55 EDT 2004

Hi Chris!

There is a flag (boolean) in 'portal_uidannotation' named
'Remove the objects unique id on add (and import)' (the
properties name is 'remove_on_add').

If you unckeck it before importing your content the uids
will be retained.


>>Importing is a kind of copying.
>Not always... what if you're using it to move data between Zope instances 
>or just between ZODB's?
>>However, it is quite likely that importing will break
>>all references (due to the creation of new UIDs).
>Indeed, which effectively makes import/export useless, right?

Grégoire Weber
mailto:gregoire.weber at switzerland.org

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