[Zope-CMF] CMF or Plone Applications?

David Pratt fairwinds at eastlink.ca
Sat Dec 18 19:26:34 EST 2004

Thanks for the reply Dieter.  I'll probably give this a go.  It may 
take a while but at least I'll know my own css intimately. Hopefully 
have something of a tableless situation that will with fewer moving 
parts and I am hoping at least 60% less css.  Plone is large and fairly 
RAM intensive so maybe there will be another benefit here.  I can 
always use the zpt default as a guide (though it uses tables) and see 
where it takes me with divs.  There are many css tricks these days and 
though the Plone tabs are nice there are plenty of well documented 
navigational possibilities.

I did not like the way the dropdowns worked for me in Plone.  I work 
with a Mac most of the time and they line up a bit differently in each 
browser.  I have a nice tableless piece to start with -  the big 
picture. So it will be all the smaller parts and then a way to show 
templates.  So I'll need to code something there to pick them up. The 
main objective will be small headers, lightweight css , css broken into 
smaller descriptive pieces so that I am not looking at a huge css at 
any time. Just say a header.css, menu.css or other similar small pieces 
which are much easier to interpret when viewed independently.  I think 
this will be time consuming for sure but maybe worth it.

I don't know what else I'll be missing since there seems to be good zpl 
implementations of almost all the parts I need as opposed to Plone - at 
least on the surface. But when I think Plone on top of CMF on top of 
Zope I like the goal of just CMF on top of Zope with Archetypes.  I am 
sure this will give me lots of flexibility for applications development 
and no worry about GPL in commercial applications.


On Saturday, December 18, 2004, at 03:25 PM, Dieter Maurer wrote:

> David Pratt wrote at 2004-12-17 15:05 -0400:
>> ...
>> Maybe good ZPL-tableless Skin with simple portlet mechanism is all 
>> that
>> I need to keep everything within the bounds of the ZPL and CMF both.
>> Are there any efforts in this direction or would I be on my own with
>> this.
>> The question is really one of making the leap. I guess this would mean
>> a mechanism to display portlets, new portlet templates, and a bunch of
>> templating to remove alot of the tables from the ZPT default templates
>> and using GRUF.  What else would be missing?  Is this a bit insane?
> It probably is not insane but a bit of work...
> I think there is a single person actively working on CMF
> (Yuppie) and he is more concerned about the framework (CMFCore) rather
> than the templates in CMFDefault.
> We are using CMF extensively (and avoid Plone because of its GPL 
> license)
> but only the framework.
> -- 
> Dieter

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