[Zope-CMF] CMF or Plone Applications?
Jean-Marc Orliaguet
jmo at ita.chalmers.se
Mon Dec 20 09:35:31 EST 2004
David Pratt wrote:
> I found a thread that seemed pretty strong about the potential
> incorporation of Archetypes into CMF 1.5 but it seemed unresolved
> since there are a couple of schema based products and eventually there
> will be the Zope3 schemas. So not really sure what happened or what
> is the status or whether anyone has hints somewhere on removing the
> Plone dependencies.
> In any case, I have spent much of the day starting my tableless CMF
> default main_template. It is going well but I see where I will need
> to start coding if I want some some functionality back on a couple of
> things. Oh well, it's going to have to be done but I am focusing on
> critical stuff and improve as I go along.
> Also the other thing I am encountering is the immediate loss of CSS
> caching. The nouvelle skin has an example of using base properties
> with dtml CSS which I am following - along with default table zpl,
> removing tables and making divs, adding my own peices, etc but nothing
> there for caching. Anyway all I want is a skins product with all
> files on the filesystem but the CSS will need to be cached. Will have
> to look into this or maybe someone's got an obvious answer. It's just
> that I haven't had to worry about it before. I know I will need to
> add a cache manager but beyond that haven't investigated.
> One thing is for sure. I feel like I should have done this a while
> ago. I am sure I will have a better idea of what I have got in the
> end. Maybe there is a group of like-minded folks and we can put a CMF
> default Archetypes product of all the hacked pieces together to a ZPL
> product that could work (if someone has not done this already). It
> seems sort of sad and maybe it is to even consider it over licensing
> issues - but it would be good to have the functionality even if it
> adds some weight to CMF for situations when you need it. It is still
> one less thing than with Plone added too and could fit the bill for
> clients where GPL is no go situation.
> Regards,
> David
Hi David,
Writing a tableless main_template.pt for a given site is trivial. The
problem is that you can't always predict what content your site will
have in terms of horizontal widths, heights, etc. So creating a
tableless page is easy, but creating a generic main_template.pt that is
tableless and works with forums, photo galleries, etc.. is difficult.
the upcoming version of CPSSkins will have a tableless renderer and a
macroless renderer (that gives you 20 requests / seconds on a laptop by
totally by-passing the main_template.pt)
but the approach is different: a site is divided into themes and themes
have several pages. In some areas of the site it makes sense to use a
macroless renderer (e.g. for the front page) - in the back-office the
default table-based renderer is best suited. In some areas of the site
the table-less renderer works just fine.
The approach is the opposite of the 'one-size-fits-all'.
unfortunately for you the license is the GPL.
PS: about your css cache headers why don't you simply put them in the
file itself as a series of dtml calls?
regards /JM
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