[Zope-CMF] Help needed - creating objects using a specified path string or tuple

Paul Winkler pw_lists at slinkp.com
Fri Feb 6 02:33:56 EST 2004

On Fri, Feb 06, 2004 at 01:44:31PM +0800, altkey wrote:
> Hi,
> I am fairly new to zope & python but I am working to migrate some 
> data/objects from zope 2.6.1 to zope 2.7.0-b2 (and eventually 2.7.0 final).
> What I am doing is this.
>     (1) get Dublin core metadata + some Dublin core extensions for the 
> objects
>     (2) get pure text representation of object content - I can't use  a 
> simple import/export in zexp format because the classes in the receiving 
> zope instance differ significantly from the classes in the sending zope 
> instance.
> I am able to collect all the data mentioned above and pass it across to 
> the new 2.7.0-b2 zope instance but i am having trouble getting my 
> objects to live where they need to live; specifically their path is not 
> being accepted properly when i recreate the objects.
> here's a code snippet for an external method i am working on
> <preliminary stuff removed ...>
> def addObjects(self, objectList):
>   '''
>   '''
>   from copy import copy, deepcopy
>   count = 0
>   basePath = self.getPhysicalPath()
>   relativePath = ()
>   nameList = []
>   for myObject in objectList:
>     count += 1
>     ob = deepcopy(myObject)
>     metadata = ob[0]
>     contents = ob[1]
>     content = contents['CONTENTS']
>     originalPath = metadata['PATH']

Are you sure this metadata is correct?
Why not do something like:
     originalPath = ob.getPhysicalPath()

>     #assume that the first object in the list is folderish
>     if count == 1:
>       unwantedPath = originalPath[:len(originalPath)-1]

You are setting unwantedPath to all but the last element
of originalPath. There is a handy pythonism for that:

       unwantedPath = originalPath[:-1]

>       path = deepcopy(basePath)

Not necessary to copy, basePath is a tuple and thus 
can't be modified anyway.

>     else:
>       relativePath = originalPath[len(unwantedPath):len(originalPath)-1]

same comment as above ... 

        relativePath = originalPath[len(unwantedPath):-1]

Note that if objectList[0] and objectList[1] have paths
with the same number of elements, then relativePath will be 
an empty sequence.  Is that what you want?

>       path = basePath+tuple(relativePath)
>     portalType = metadata['PORTAL_TYPE']
>     metaType = metadata['META_TYPE']
>     name = metadata['OBJECT_ID']
>     startHere = self.restrictedTraverse(path)

say what? I've only ever seen restrictedTraverse() 
with a string argument, like '/'.join(foo.getPhysicalPath()).
I'm surprised your version runs at all.
( /me goes and checks) ... well whaddaya know, it works.

That aside, note that the first time around,
starHere == self. Is that what you intended?

>     startHerePath = startHere.getPhysicalPath()

ok then, path and startHerePath should always be identical
unless path contains extraneous acquisition elements.

>     startHere.invokeFactory(portalType,name)
>     newObject = self.restrictedTraverse(path+(name,))
>     newPath = newObject.getPhysicalPath()
>     _addContent(self,newObject,metadata,content)
>     nameList.append(('desired path='+'/'.join(path),'supplied 
> context='+'/'.join(startHerePath) ,'actual path='+'/'.join(newPath)))
> <clean up stuff removed ...>
> here what i see as output
> (	'desired path=/DF/A_Test_Folder',
> 	'supplied context=/DF/A_Test_Folder',
> 	'actual path=/DF/01_project'),
> (	'desired path=/DF/A_Test_Folder/01_project', 	
> 	'supplied context=/DF/01_project',


> external method is executing in. As can be seen, the desired path and 
> the actual path differ, and since the first 'folder' is created at /DF 
> instread of at /DF/A_Test_Folder all of the subsequent objects are 
> created using the actual path.

I'm not sure what you expected. Were you expecting the first 
tuple of output to be like this?

(	'desired path=/DF/A_Test_Folder',
 	'supplied context=/DF/A_Test_Folder',
 	'actual path=/DF/A_Test_Folder/01_project'),

If so, then clearly something goes wrong the
very first time through.
So, what are the your arguments?
i.e. can you tell me the values of:



Paul Winkler
(random hero from isometric.spaceninja.com)

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