[Zope-CMF] CMF1.5 and References

Gregoire Weber gregweb at gmx.ch
Tue Feb 24 15:03:01 EST 2004

Hi all,

Not knowing about the current state of Ben's backport I propose
here what I proposed to Ben at the Snow Sprint in Austria:

   Lets split referencing, uid management (on objects) and uid 
   generation into different parts and then integrating the code
   into CMFCore.

 From the uid part most of the work is already done:

   At the sprint I factored out a uid implementation (management, 
   generation) I've written nine month ago. It is available
   in the collective.

   (currently GPL, license change to ZPL possible)

   The Uid attribute beeing attached to an object uses the new 
   ICallableOpaqueItemWithHooks interface I introduced in january. 
   This way it gets informed when the content object is copied and

   __init__.py currently monkey patches CMF 1.4.2 with the 
   missing ICallableOpaqueItemWithHooks behaviour.

   I'm willing to do some refactoring if this doesn't have to 
   happen the next two weeks.

Some arguments for spiting referencing, uid generation and 

   - Some people want to preserve uid on imports. the uid 
     generation code currently generates a new unique id. 
     These people are able to replace the existing tool
     with their own preserving the uid on a import.

   - An application has to have a human readable unique
     id. So they probably want to replace the uid generation

   - Someone is unhappy that uids are attached to the object
     teh way it is done now. The replace the uid management
     tool by a slightly or rigorously changed tool.

I mean that's what we have the CMF idea for!


At 13:23 24.02.2004 -0600, alan runyan wrote:
>Ben and Kapil have back-ported the AT1.3 reference engine
>to CMF.  I do not know if they have committed it to a branch.
>But it would rock if we could get references into CMF.
>Ben/Kapil?  have you guys committed the code? If not
>maybe this is a good time to commit it so it can be decided
>if it is able to ship with CMF1.5.
>Referenceable.py and ReferenceEngine.py are the modules
>of interest.
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