[Zope-CMF] [ANN]CMFCollector 0.91

Marc Lindahl marc at bowery.com
Wed Feb 25 13:32:25 EST 2004

once it's published, 

Since there's no migration path for CMFCollector, and I have a bunch in 
operation, I'm keeping it up to date.  Hopefully zope.org will pull my 
changes back into their cvs.  Actually, there's really nothing wrong 
with this product, it works just fine and does what it needs to do....

CMFCollector Changelog

version: 0.91

	* 2/25/2004 MSL (http://www.zope.org/Members/bowerymarc).  Bug fixes 
to maintain the product's compatibility with up to zope 2.6.2, CMF 
1.4.2, Plone 2.0RC5.  I have a bunch of old collectors I don't want to 

	* MSL changed the following skins:
		- collector_contents.pt - ability to set batch size.  date range 
		- collector_macros.pt - changed issue_header to show structured 
description (i.e. renders html correctly)

		- collector_search.py - added date range search.  TODO: check date 
pairs, fill in min/max date if one date is missing.
	* you may have to give Manager proxy roles to these scripts, depending 
on your specific security settings (if you have problems try this):
		- collector_add_issue.py
		- collector_issue_edit.py
		- collector_issue_followup.py
	* added limi's collector_plone skins and updated Install.py to install 
those too.  TODO: uninstall.

	* new collector_issue_workflow.zexp fixes some bugs and (importantly) 
adds a TESTED state.  Yes, once you resolve, then you must test!

	* updated the defaults for a new collector config to more sensible 

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