[Zope-CMF] Re: [Plone-users] Allowing content authors to only delete some content from a folder

Marc Lindahl marc at bowery.com
Wed Jan 7 11:38:12 EST 2004

There are some products that split out 'delete' permissions... it 
depends on what the product does.
Lately in plone there's a tendancy to use only 'view' and 'modify 
portal content' to cover all cases....

On Wednesday, January 7, 2004, at 04:49  AM, suresh_vv wrote:

> --- In zopeCMF at yahoogroups.com, Dieter Maurer <dieter at h...> wrote:
>> Make a special "delete" script that checks your rules,
>> give it he necessary "proxy role", use it to delete objects.
> Good suggestion. But why is it that there is no "Security Permission"
> that can be set on a file/document basis that ensures that the
> file/document can be deleted or not? Why should the Permission reside
> at the Folder level? Does anyone think this is a flaw?
> Suresh
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