[Zope-CMF] Re: [Zope] Staging CMFStaging PloneStaging et al

Gregoire Weber gregweb at gmx.ch
Mon Jan 19 11:51:35 EST 2004

(This thread originaly begun in the zope mailing list:

Hi Michael,

with the beginning of 2003/10/27 Shane from Zope.com has done some 
changes in the CMFStaging code that have broken CMFEditions (begun
in spetember 2003 at the castle sprint).

Probably you encounter similar problems as PloneStaging probably 
wasn't changed upon the CMFStaging changes.

The biggest probelm was that 'portal_versions.checkout(object)' returned
the object beeing checked out in a former version and now returns 'None'.

So search for calls like the following in the PLoneStaging code:

   object = portal_versions.checkout(object)
                           ^^^^^^^^^^----------- search for that pattern

2nd problem relies in manage_editStages that expects a title attribute 
in the stage definition:

         StageDefinition('site', 'site', 'live stage'),
         StageDefinition('work', 'work', 'working stage'),


   class StageDefinition:
      """Helper class used for configuring stages
      def __init__(self, name, path, title):
         self.name = name
         self.path = path
         self.title = title   # <-- new!
Hope that helps. I'm not sure if this is related to your LockError.

Please ask such questions on the zope-cmf list.


At 17:17 14.01.2004 +0000, you wrote:
>I'm still having difficulty getting CMFStaging to work with our setup. When attempting to run the install for PloneStaging I now get an error "LockError" "/staging/Stages/Development not lockable".
>So in digging around trying to find out how to fix that error I'm reading a lot of material that suggests that I'm traveling down the wrong path, specifically because CMFStaging/PloneStaging is not a production level and also because it looks like Plone is going to be going a different direction with staging/versioning in a later version.

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