[Zope-CMF] Re: [dev] Actions and CMFSetup: naming conventions proposal

Seb Bacon seb at jamkit.com
Fri Jul 16 06:46:40 EDT 2004

yuppie wrote:
> Dieter Maurer wrote:
>> yuppie wrote at 2004-7-13 23:53 +0200:
>>> 'action':
>>> ---------
>>> The 'getAction' dict uses 'url', DCWorkflow 'actbox_url' and the 
>>> label 'URL (formatted)'. CMFSetup uses 'action_expr'.
>>> Proposal: Use always 'url', except of internal names.
>>> ToDo: Change the label in 'editToolsActions.dtml' and the CMFSetup 
>>> attributes.
>> Maybe, we find a more general name. "action" were not too bad, if
>> the complete thing were not called "action", too.
> 'url' is currently returned by listFilteredActionsFor. As you say, 
> 'action' is already used for the complete thing. I see your point that 
> this field isn't always used for URLs. But I doubt it would be a good 
> idea to introduce another term.

A good alternative might be 'target'.  I'm not convinced it's so bad to 
introduce a new term, if it serves to clarify.  The term 'url' is 
inaccurate and misleading IMO.

I'm in favour of your other suggestions re. CMFSetup.  Thanks to Tres & 
Martijn for a very useful tool.


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