[Zope-CMF] SkinnableFolder vs PortalContentFolder

Norbert Marrale norbert at infocatch.com
Fri Jul 16 07:08:42 EDT 2004

Hi all:

Using Zope 2.5.1/CMF 1.3 on WinXP for development and FreeBSD for 
production. I have exported/imported a CMF site from develpoment to the 
production server, updated the skin paths, etc...

One of my custom portal_types behaves differently in its new 
environment: the portal catalog won't index or update the custom type. 
Updating the catalog through the ZMI works though. AFAICT, both setups 
are identical.

I have created a custom type "Photo Album" that uses Florent Guillaume's 
PortalContentFolder as a container, and rbickers's Photo product to 
store its images. Since PortalContentFolder is catalog aware and part of 
a workflow, everything works as designed on my local machine.

Originally I have used SkinnableFolder as a container, but somehow the 
catalog stores the date of creation for the portal as values for 
CreationDate, Date, ModificationDate, modified and created. 
SkinnableFolders do, however, get catalogued on both systems.

I have tried modifying PortalContentFolder to use CMFCatalogAware 
instead of DublinCore, and viceversa for SkinnableFolder. Locally, this 
results in the incorrect date values being catalogued when using 
CMFCatalogAware, and correct behavior with DublinCore. On the production 
server, no indexing when DublinCore is used...

Some posts from 2002 suggested looking at how CMFArticle handles 
indexing, I don't see the difference with PortalContentFolder does. But, 
to make matters even more complicated, CMFArticles get indexed properly!

Any thoughts, suggestions?


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