[Zope-CMF] Some informations about CMFUid

Gregoire Weber gregweb at gmx.ch
Thu Jul 22 09:18:43 EDT 2004

Salut Florent,

may you send me appropriate code snippets?

At 13:59 22.07.2004 +0200, Florent Guillaume wrote:
>Hi Grégoire,
>You should clarify in the doc that queryBrain/getBrain (which use plain
>portal_catalog) filter and keep only visible object.
>And I think there's a need for a private queryBrainUnrestricted (or some
>other name) that bypasses CMF's catalog tweaks (the filtering by
>expiration date and so on) because internal code often needs to get the
>brains unfiltered.

I'll prefere those:

   queryBrain(uid, unrestricted=0, default=None)
   getBrain(uid, unrestricted=0)



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