[Zope-CMF] Re: [CMF-checkins] CVS: CMF/DCWorkflow - Guard.py:1.12

Chris Withers lists at simplistix.co.uk
Wed Mar 17 08:00:00 EST 2004

Zachery Bir wrote:

> On Mar 17, 2004, at 3:41 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
>> What's base_cms?
> Internal product used as the base of a CMS system. The originator of the 
> existing "groups" machinery that this code modifies.

Eh? Give me a link to it starting with http://cvs.zope.org/...

>> What's PluggableAuthService?
> A new authentication system that will natively handle group membership. 
> Will be released soon, but we're using it internally, and Shane didn't 
> want to fork DCWorkflow. Since he'd previously included assumptive 
> knowledge of base_cms, he suggested I inject assumptive knowledge of 
> PluggableAuthService as well.

Where did these discussions take place?!

> My bad. Forthcoming. There will likely be a few more changes to the 
> code, which will be tested as well.

You're supposed to write the tests first!


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            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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