[Zope-CMF] Re: [dev] DateIndex and __CEILING_DATE

yuppie y.2004_ at wcm-solutions.de
Tue Mar 23 07:38:16 EST 2004


Tres Seaver wrote:
> yuppie wrote:
>> AFAICS 'None' is already stored in the content objects and all that 
>> needs to be changed is this line in DefaultDublinCoreImpl.expires():
>>     return date is None and self.__CEILING_DATE or date
>> (At least basically. Full backwards compatibility would be a bit more 
>> complex.)
>> What am I missing?
> Likely only the need to reindex everything;  given that one is likely 
> replacing the existing 'expires' and 'effective' indexes (FieldIndex / 
> DateIndex) with an 'effectiveRange' index (DateRangeIndex), this might 
> not be a bad thing.

As proposed in <http://collector.zope.org/CMF/191> we would need to 
support old and new indexes because Zope 2.5 doesn't have DateIndex / 

What about adding additional methods to the CatalogableDublinCore 
interface that return the values needed by the new indexes? This way 
they could co-exist with the old indexes that use the old methods.


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