[Zope-CMF] Re: creator and getOwner

yuppie y.2004_ at wcm-solutions.de
Mon Nov 8 13:28:39 EST 2004

Florent Guillaume wrote:
> In DublinCore, Creator (listCreators in recent CMFs) calls getOwner just 
> to get its id. This can be very costly because it goes all the way to 
> the user folder to get the user object (which can be expensive to 
> compute if it comes from LDAP, for intance), to finally just call 
> getId() on it.
> Anyone opposed to basically calling getOwnerTuple()[1] instead ?

Well. CMF 1.5 calls getOwner only once per item to migrate old content. 
Migrated and new content items don't depend on getOwner. So I doubt it's 
worth the effort, but please go ahead if you think so.

Cheers, Yuppie

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