[Zope-CMF] Re: Fwd: [CMF] 60/ 3 Comment "EffectiveDate and co don't keep tz offset"

yuppie y.2004_ at wcm-solutions.de
Wed Nov 10 12:00:00 EST 2004


Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
> Before jumping in and changing it, would there be any problem in 
> modifying all those DublinCore methods that currently call the 
> ISO-method on the DateTime class to return a correct ISO 
> 8601-representation instead? Here's an example:
> October 13th, 2004 at 2:34:54 PM in Fredericksburg/VA (EST)
> ISO returns: 2004-10-13 14:24:54
> ISO 8601 should be: 2004-10-13T14:24:54-05:00

I guess the problem is that the '*Date' methods are used in different 
places: While forms like metadata_edit_form would benefit from the 
proposed change, there are other places like content_byline, where the 
current format seems to be more suitable.

The change potentially breaks the layout of some pages, so moving to ISO 
8601 on the maintenance branch isn't very nice. On the other hand we 
can't use the CatalogableDublinCore methods for edit forms because they 
return __FLOOR_DATE or __CEILING_DATE instead of None.

Don't know what to do.


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