[Zope-CMF] Re: CMFSetup comments

Florent Guillaume fg at nuxeo.com
Sun Apr 3 12:07:32 EDT 2005

On 3 Apr 2005, at 17:27, yuppie wrote:
> Hi Florent!
> Florent Guillaume wrote:
>> - all in all it's quite nice,
> Well. It works for some use cases, but there is yet a lot to be done. 
> Though its maturity is still alpha, it already contains a lot of 
> cruft.

Yes, I think I'll be doing some cleanups in it if you don't object.
And probably apply 
http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=101968 to the code in 
general... I really have a problem with Tres's style ;)

>> - writing the code for the import handler is really painful, I wish 
>> we could use an API like elementtree. Couldn't we include it ?
> Could you please elaborate on this? What are the most painful parts? 
> Why are they painful?

Finding how to write the import mapping. For instance I have this 

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<directory kind="CPS Members Directory">
     <property name="title">label_members</property>
     <property name="schema">members</property>
     [... more properties ...]
     <entry-local-role role="Owner">python:entry_id == 

Which I parse using:

     def _getImportMapping(self):
         return {
             'directory': {
                 'kind': {},
                 'properties': {KEY: 'props'},
                 'entry-local-roles': {KEY: 'elrs', DEFAULT: ()},
             'properties': {
                 'property': {KEY: 'properties'},
             'entry-local-roles': {
                 'entry-local-role': {KEY: 'elr'},
             'entry-local-role': {
                 'role': {},
                 '#text': {KEY: 'expr'},

And I have to do:

         dir_info = dconf.parseXML(dir_text)
         dir = tool.manage_addCPSDirectory(dir_id, dir_info['kind'])
         for prop_info in dir_info['props'][0]['properties']:
             dconf.initProperty(dir, prop_info)
         for elr in dir_info['elrs']:
             elr = elr['elr'][0]
             res = dir.addEntryLocalRole(elr['role'], elr['expr'])

All the intermediate [0] and ['elr'] are cruft I'd like to get rid of. 
Maybe it's because I don't know how to use it best...

> Are you talking about the import handlers themselves, the configurator 
> classes or also about export handlers?

I have a question about a pattern used in the configurator classes: 
many times I saw the pattern than only one configurator was 
instanciated, for instance TypeInfoConfigurator, and then in the loop 
the ZPT called by passing, for instance:
    tic.generateXML( type_id=type_id )
and the ZPT itself passes back type_id to getTypeInfo. Why not simply 
have the configurator instanciated once per type, with the type itself 
as an attribute ? Is it just old cruft ?

> The framework doesn't dictate how import handlers are implemented. Did 
> you try to write an import handler using ElementTree?

Not yet, it was just a feeling.

> I never used ElementTree, but after looking at the documentation I 
> doubt it would be very helpful: ConfiguratorBase.parseXML() converts 
> types, sets defaults and maps keys. If we use ElementTree we have to 
> do that in an extra step.

I think it's just that I don't understand parseXML's approach.

>> - I like and will use the recently added EXTENSION,
> Seems some people started experimenting with this feature and didn't 
> report any showstoppers, so if there are no objections I'll backport 
> the changes into the 1.5 branch.

+1 from me.

> Of course this is just a first step. E.g. we need a way to specify and 
> handle dependencies between profiles.

Yes I was thinking of that too.

>> - has anyone used CMFSetup to import/export content space instead of 
>> configuration space ?
>> - really, what about including elementtree ?
> +1 if it makes things much easier, -1 if not. I like the fact that CMF 
> only depends on Zope.

I'll wait till I'm more familiar with what we have now.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   fg at nuxeo.com

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