[Zope-CMF] Re: GenericSetup improvements

yuppie y.2005- at wcm-solutions.de
Tue Dec 27 04:51:58 EST 2005

Hi Florent!

Florent Guillaume wrote:
> Here's a few things I'd like to change in GenericSetup's management of 
> properties (PropertyManagerHelper):
> - not export read-only properties,
> - not purge read-only properties,

+1 (these are bugs that need to be fixed)

> - have an option for not exporting properties equal to their class 
> default (I have code for this),

You mean an argument for _extractProperties?

I'm not sure if the class defaults should be that important. It might 
make sense if the defaults represent an 'empty' state. But if they 
represent a 'default' state I would not like to see the XML files depend 
on those defaults.

If you need that behavior outside the CMF I could live with an optional 
argument for that.

> - to purge properties, reset _properties to the class default (and of 
> course remove impacted instance attributes), then additionnaly delete 
> deletable properties (except title).

+1 (that's the behavior I'd expect)

> Also I'd like to change things like:
>     node = property(_exportNode, _importNode)
> into:
>     def __exportNode(self):
>         return self._exportNode()
>     def __importNode(self, *args)
>         self._importNode(*args)
>     node = property(__exportNode, __importNode)
> To allow proper subclass overriding and avoid the dead chicken of having 
> to redefine the node property each time.




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