[Zope-CMF] Re: How can i learn about Zope's architecture ?

Raphael Ritz r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Thu Mar 3 03:47:22 EST 2005

Truong Trung Trang wrote:
> Hi all !
> I'm a VietNamese and I'm a beginer with Zope. I'm doing a project of 
> Content Manament System using Zope with Python. Could anybody answer 
> some questions for me:
> 1. What is the architecture of Zope and how can i compare Zope with 
> others in more detail?
> 2. What is the main problem in a Content Management System and how does 
> Zope solve it?
> 3. Could anyone tell me how i can begin with my project
> Thank you very much!(Sorry about my English)

Don't worry about your English. Many of us are in the
same situation.

Here are a few pointers from what I provide which might
help you to get started:


(note that Plone is build on top of Zope and its CMF) and


and if you are interested in Plone:



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