[Zope-CMF] Could anyone tell me how to run the MySite example?

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Sat Mar 19 07:54:18 EST 2005

--On Samstag, 19. März 2005 19:26 Uhr +0700 Truong Trung Trang 
<trungtrang at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm learning about CMS. I have installed Zope-2.7.4, Python-2.3 and
> Plone-2 0.5 and now i'm reading about Plone. But when i tried the MySite
> example, i could not run it. I don't know how to install it (put it in
> what folder ?) to make it run. I think the installation guide is too
> short and so it is hard for me to understand. Here it is:

You should bring up Plone-related issues on the Plone mailinglist.


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