[Zope-CMF] Re: Bad interaction between CMF 1.4 and Zope 2.8 (catalog-getObject-raises)

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Fri May 27 08:12:34 EDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Florent Guillaume wrote:
> Dieter Maurer  <dieter at handshake.de> wrote:
> [about getObject logging missing objects]
>>>Yes, logging should be there. I'll add a LOG at level WARNING somewhere,
>>>I'm not sure where (after all it's unrestrictedTraverse that does the
>>When something in the catalog tells you, there were an object
>>and the object is not locatable, then this is an ERROR
>>and not a WARNING -- because, you met a data inconsistency.
>>Data inconsistencies are serious enough to be classified as "ERROR".
> Let's not go into too much semantics here. Note that WARNING is an alias
> of PROBLEM. zLOG defines these levels as:
>   PROBLEM=100  -- This isn't causing any immediate problems, but deserves
>                   attention.
>   ERROR=200    -- This is going to have adverse effects.
> And indeed the missing object isn't causing immediate problems.

Exactly.  The point is that the "adverse effect" *already happened*, in
some prior request, probably due to one of Chris' beloved hasattrs ;).
The current request should *not* be prevented from continuing.

Chris, take this as a fiat:  this one will *never* turn into an exception.

- --
Tres Seaver                                   tseaver at palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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