[Zope-CMF] Re: backporting GenericSetup to CMF-1.5

Florent Guillaume fg at nuxeo.com
Tue Nov 15 12:56:59 EST 2005

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:
> On 15 Nov 2005, at 02:56, Rob Miller wrote:
>> to be fair, AT's (un)indexing code is a mess... i tried to change  the 
>> BaseFolderMixin manage_(after|before)* methods so they  explicitly 
>> call the PortalFolder implementations and was still  ending up w/ 
>> subobject orphans left in the catalog after container  deletions.  
>> ideally, this would provide us an opportunity to push  the 
>> CatalogMultiplex functionality down into the CMF core and clean  up 
>> the indexing mess on the Plone side a bit.  and in a perfect  world, 
>> we'd defer the actual (un)indexing until the end of the  transaction.  
>> those changes might be too much to try to get into  CMF 1.6, however...
> A big -1 on just pushing the Plone mess into CMF.

I don't think that was the plan.

> As Raphael suggests, it would be much better to go directly to event- 
> based cataloging. However, that sounds like too big of a chunk for  the 
> given timeframe...

Indeed and that's why the transition phase allows to keep using 
manage_afterAdd, provided a minimum level of cooperation from the 
frameworks. The minimum level of cooperations is to use super() properly.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of R&D
+33 1 40 33 71 59   http://nuxeo.com   fg at nuxeo.com

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