[Zope-CMF] Re: Testing skin scripts and templates using ZopeTestCase.Functional

Stefan H. Holek stefan at epy.co.at
Wed Oct 5 18:26:17 EDT 2005

On 5. Okt 2005, at 23:27, Paul Winkler wrote:

> I'm trying to use CMFTestCase along with ZopeTestCase.Functional
> to test my skin scripts.  But how do I get them set up
> properly? Anybody have working examples of this?  I wondered
> if there might be some in the Plone test suites but if so I
> didn't find any.
> Example that fails because "document_view" is 404:
> class TestUI(CMFTestCase.CMFTestCase,
>              ZopeTestCase.FunctionalTestCase,
>              ):
>     """Test the skin scripts and templates.
>     """

This should be

     class TestUI(ZopeTestCase.Functional, CMFTestCase.CMFTestCase):

or even

     class TestUI(CMFTestCase.FunctionalTestCase):

Your observation (in one of the other mails <wink>) is correct. Mix- 
ins must come first. Also, make sure to use the SVN version of  
CMFTestCase [1] as the tarball is outdated.


[1] https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/CMFTestCase/trunk

Anything that happens, happens.  --Douglas Adams

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