[Zope-CMF] Re: How do deal with cmfcatalog-wrapped objects?

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Fri Apr 7 04:24:56 EDT 2006

--On 7. April 2006 10:18:52 +0200 yuppie <y.2006_ at wcm-solutions.de> wrote:

> Declaring interfaces correctly is never overkill.

Of course not..

>And as I mentioned in
> an earlier reply I already checked in a fix for this. In CMF 1.6.1 and
> 2.0 you will be able to adept to proxied interfaces.

In my particular case we are still on CMF-1.5.3 and my solution should work
with any existing CMF version.

> Your solution seems to be a good workaround for wrapped objects with
> insufficient interface declarations as in CMF 1.6.0.


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