[Zope-CMF] Re: Abusing GenericSetup during traditional installs

Stefan H. Holek stefan at epy.co.at
Wed Aug 16 13:42:20 EDT 2006

On 16. Aug 2006, at 18:18, yuppie wrote:

> AFAICS the catalog.xml in the profile is a normal catalog setup  
> file. The default import step for this file should be registered  
> and updates the catalog if all steps are run.

Yes, the default machinery creates the UnicodeLexicons from  
catalog.xml (using the adapter). This part works as expected.

> importUnicodeLexicon is a second import step for the same setup  
> file. Looks like this step updates the catalog again. The thing  
> that's different is the fact it reindexes the modified indexes.

> Is that correct? What am I missing? What did not work with the  
> default import step (besides reindexing)?

The second step is because extension profiles run in update-mode, and  
already existing catalog indexes are not touched by the default  
importers. Hence I need to do it by hand. Another complication is  
that the index upgrade should happen only once, and not every time  
the profile is applied. Nuxeo's upgrade extension could be useful  


Anything that, in happening, causes something else to happen,
causes something else to happen.  --Douglas Adams

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