[Zope-CMF] Re: GenericSetup content exporting

Rob Miller ra at burningman.com
Mon Dec 18 14:11:18 EST 2006

Spanky wrote:
> Greetings!
> I'm just getting started with GenericSetup, and I feel like I'm missing 
> something simple.  Hope you can help :)
> My goal is to get some default content exported as XML so I can use it 
> as part of the GS profile for my new site.
> In my experimenting:
> I have a stock Plone site, nothing special.  I make a test folder and 
> test page in it.  I make the Plone Profile active and export.  In that 
> export, I don't get any of the content I've created TTW.  I'm walking 
> through it in a debugger to try to see what happens where.  Any advice 
> on getting content exported would be appreciated.  I've been reading the 
> docs that are excellent in explaining how to set up a profile and use 
> GS, but nothing along the lines of getting the content OUT of a site.

GenericSetup's content import/export works well w/ default CMF content, but 
AFAIK it does not yet fully support AT-based content.  AT has the Marshall 
product, which provides infrastructure for (de)serializing AT content into 
XML; it would be nice to write some content im/export adapters that use 
Marshall, but i haven't heard of anyone who's done that yet.


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