[Zope-CMF] Re: using GenericSetup to add non-content objects

Olivier Grisel ogrisel at nuxeo.com
Wed Feb 22 16:05:53 EST 2006

Rob Miller a écrit :
> hi,
> i'm trying to use GenericSetup to add tool-like objects to my site at
> creation time.  i say "tool-like" because the objects in question (RAM and
> HTTP cache managers) act as tools, but they have constructors that require
> additional arguments... the current tool.py importer assumes that the
> constructor for a tool doesn't take any arguments.

Hi, I have done that for the RAMCacheManagers in CPS:


Note that a five:implements is required to make it work:


About the construction arguments question, I cannot answer since I'm not 
familiar with the GenericSetup internals enough. But for the RAMCacheManager 
case, it's just not required.


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