[Zope-CMF] [RFC] [Patch] GenericSetup and encodings

Yves Bastide ybastide at wanadoo.fr
Tue Jun 6 17:08:38 EDT 2006


GenericSetup has problems handling non-ASCII data. It treats strings 
sometimes as ASCII, sometimes as UTF-8, yet it has access to two 
variables: its own ISetupContext.getEncoding() (whose use I didn't fully 
grok) and CMF's ISetupContext.getSite().getProperty('default_charset').

Attached is a patch using both of them and somewhat working in my setup. 
Can knowledgeable people comment on it before I enter a collector issue? 
(I'm using GS alongside with CPS, which also needs some patching; yet 
basic things, such as exporting-importing an iso8859-15 Title in a CMF 
charset-default'ed to iso8859-15, should work)


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