[Zope-CMF] Re: [dev] five_template slots

yuppie y.2006_ at wcm-solutions.de
Sat Mar 25 05:07:00 EST 2006

Hi Lennart!

Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On 3/23/06, yuppie <y.2006_-E2EsyBC0hj3+aS/vkh9bjw at public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> - mapping 'style_slot' to 'css_slot' is an obvious bug, that change
>> should be reverted
> Why is it a bug? That's not obvious to me at all. Both slots are for
> putting style sheets in...

Because 'css_slot' never existed in CMF, it's even gone in CPS. Using 
nonexistent slots doesn't raise errors so it might not be that obvious, 
but the content of 'style_slot' gets lost if it is mapped to 'css_slot'.

>> 4.) Change the browser view templates to use 'main' instead of 'body'
>> (that no longer maps to 'main').
> Well, they *do* use body so we can't change that.

I meant the browser view templates in CMFDefault. They currently use 
'header' and 'body', that will no longer work after the change. The 
alternative would be to move the 'header' content into the 'body' slot. 
But I thought the whole point of replacing the old five_template by the 
one from CMFonFive was to use the old CMF specific slots for CMF 
specific views.



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