[Zope-CMF] GenericSetup and Zope 2.8.5

robert rottermann robert at redcor.ch
Sun Mar 26 06:55:37 EST 2006

Hi there,
I started to look into GenerigSetup.
Wat I would like to to is to replace  functionalities we have in a 
similar product of our own (RedPick)
with GernericSetup.

Now my first question:
Does GenericSetup work with Zope 2.8.5 at all?

If yes:
in an instance of  class of which the the relevant part is attach at the 
end of this email
I call XX.exportSiteToFile(..)
It works insofar as I can call it from our tool (in a Plone 2.1.2 Site) 
and it
does not generate any errors. However it does not produce any output.

I debugged it as far as
       exporter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((obj, context), IBody)
       body = exporter.body

body is None therefor nothing happens.

Now my question:
    what do I have to do to get an exporter with a body?


Here the class definition:

has_setup_tool = 0
    from Products import GenericSetup
        from Products.CMCore.exportimport import actions
        from Products.CMCore.exportimport import typeinfo
        has_setup_tool = 1
        /# verbatim copy of exportimport from/
        /# Plone.2.5 CMFCore /
            from Products.RedPick.exportimport import actions
            from Products.RedPick.exportimport import typeinfo
            has_setup_tool = 1

*class* handle_action_properties( handle_base ):
    "RedPick handler for action properties."

    /# interface to CMFSetup/
    *def* exportSiteToFile( self, **kwargs ):
        "Export current site information to external file."
        /#return self.writeToFile( self.getFromSite( **kwargs ) )/
        *if* has_setup_tool:
            context = GenericSetup.context.DirectoryExportContext(self.portal.red_pick_tool, os.path.split(self.filename)[0])


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