[Zope-CMF] Re: CMF Tests: 3 OK, 2 Failed, 4 Unknown

Charlie Clark charlie at begeistert.org
Wed Nov 22 10:54:05 EST 2006

Am 22.11.2006 um 16:44 schrieb Tres Seaver:

> These failures are all in the calendar tests, and may have  
> something to
> do with timezone issues -- anybody got a clue?  Did Zope >= 2.9 just
> fiddle with timezone stuff in DateTime?

I'm not sure if it's related but this is from this week's releases:
"""Zope 2.9.6 (2006-11-22)
Bugs fixed
Collector #2191: extended DateTime parser for better support to the  
ISO8601 specification."""

Charlie Clark
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
GSM: +49-178-782-6226

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