[Zope-CMF] Re: Plone needs a release this week

Charlie Clark charlie at begeistert.org
Tue Jul 31 10:51:36 EDT 2007

Am 31.07.2007 um 15:51 schrieb yuppie:

> AFAICS the premature GenericSetup 1.3 release has the biggest issues:

I'm behind the loop on GenericSetup having only encountered it when  
writing a content type for a single site. I would appreciate an  
explanation of the difference between declarative and imperative as  
linguistically they are almost identical. I have never done imports &  
exports so would appreciate knowing where to go to read up on them so  
that I can contribute to the debate or at least understand it fully.

> I still consider the VERSION.txt support a mis-feature.

VERSION.txt is really nasty anyway but if it is still around you are  
right: the profile version is not necessarily the same as the product  
version and so nothing should assume this.

> five.localsitemanager still has no UI for inspecting and editing  
> component registrations. I added the 'components_xmlconfig.html'  
> view to GenericSetup as an alternative way to do this, but a normal  
> UI would still be useful.
> CMF seems to be in good shape, but the migration code and  
> documentation could need some cleanup:
> - The 2.1 migration should use the new 'upgradeStep' feature, the  
> on-the-fly migration code in PortalObjectBase.getSiteManager should  
> be replaced by an 'upgradeStep'
> - It might be useful to review the docstrings in CMFCore.utils and  
> interfaces._tools. There are misleading comments like "BBB:  for  
> use in 'getToolByName';  in the future, prefer 'zapi.getUtility 
> (IActionsTool)'." Seems not all docs reflect the latest tools-as- 
> utilities changes.

Yes, please! I recently really struggled writing a browser view  
because of the lack of doc strings. I can only assume that BBB has  
something to do with something "bad".

> I think the most important issues can be resolved before the  
> weekend *if* some people are willing to help.

Having recently given a presentation (in German) on CMF 2.1 I hope at  
least to be contributing to the documentation. However, as noted  
above there are significant areas with which I have little or no  

Charlie Clark
Helmholtzstr. 20
D- 40215
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
GSM: +49-178-782-6226

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