[Zope-CMF] Re: What is the status of GS wiping catalog indexes on catalog.xml import?

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Fri Feb 29 07:17:10 EST 2008

--On 29. Februar 2008 13:09:01 +0100 Wichert Akkerman <wichert at wiggy.net> 

>> My personal opinion: I'd rather see the interface-based solution in a
>> few weeks or a couple months (the next Zope release) than the, umh,
>> less-than-professional solution that will stick around forever. As
>> such solutions have a tendency to do. "It works now" absolves everyone
>> from the task to come back later and improve the solution, so no one
>> does.

Sorry, I can't follow...what is the outcome?

I volunteer to add the interface to the Zope 2.10-2.11 branches and trunk
right now. This would be good enough for you for writing the related 
adapter. The related code can be moved already into the Zope core on the 
trunk (but not for any of the release branches).

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