[Zope-CMF] Re: Workflow state change event

Tim Terlegård tim.terlegard at valentinewebsystems.se
Fri May 16 06:56:28 EDT 2008

On May 15, 2008, at 10:31 PM, Martin Aspeli wrote:

> Tim Terlegård wrote:
>> I was wondering if it perhaps would make sense to move the
>> ActionSucceededEvent notification after the reindexing of the
>> workflow status has been done?
>> doActionFor(...) calls _invokeWithNotification(...) and the bottom
>> of that method looks like this:
>> def _invokeWithNotification(self, wfs, ob, action, func, args, kw):
>>         ...
>>         for w in wfs:
>>             w.notifySuccess(ob, action, res)
>>             notify(ActionSucceededEvent(ob, w, action, res))
>>         if reindex:
>>             self._reindexWorkflowVariables(ob)
>>         return res
>> In an event handler I would like to use the catalog and search for   
>> published
>> objects, but it's not possible because the catalog is updated  
>> after  the event
>> handler is triggered.
> That shouldn't matter, though - you get the object as part of the  
> event, no need to search for it.

The grandparent of the object is doing a catalog search, so the object  
currently got a new workflow state isn't found.

The whole use case:

    - folderA
       - docB

I have an 'is_empty' index that is based on catalog searches. When  
doesn't contain any published objects it's considered empty. When  
is changed on object docB, going from visible to published, I need to  
the object, and also the parent and the grandparent etc.  So when the  
change event handler for docB calls  
it will not find docB because the catalog does not reflect the state  
change yet.


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