[Zope-CMF] CMFDefault 2.1.2-beta egg does not install

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Thu Sep 11 13:49:52 EDT 2008

Jens Vagelpohl, on 2008-09-11:
> By the way, DCWorkflow needed a similar change to make that same  
> traceback disappear, which means Wichert was testing CMFCore in  
> isolation. If possible, could we make sure to test all CMF packages  
> together when making changes?

I tested the last changes with a Zope 2.11 instance, with only the CMF
Products, including GenericSetup, in the Products dir.  The Products
dir is a checkout of this:


"bin/zopectl test -s Products" passes for both GS tag 1.3.3 and branch

But I get errors when running the CMFDefault and GenericSetup tests

Running the tests for Products.CMFDefault gives one failure with both
GS versions:

  File "/home/maurits/instances/cmf/zope211-cmf21/Products/CMFDefault/browser/document.txt", line 23, in document.txt
  Failed example:
  Exception raised:
      Traceback (most recent call last):

GS 1.3.3. gives 4 errors like this:

  ValueError: Index of type DateIndex not found

GS 1.4 gives 13 ComponentLookupErrors:

  ComponentLookupError: ('Could not adapt', <Folder at /site>, <InterfaceClass zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup>)

> I'm using a simple buildout that pulls them all in:
> http://svn.dataflake.org/svn/sandboxes/cmf-21/
> http://svn.dataflake.org/svn/sandboxes/cmf-trunk/

Currently this buildout (cmf-21 at least) pulls in
Products.GenericSetup 1.4.1 from the cheese shop.  I am curious: why
is it not in the src/ here?

The tests *do* pass there, also the individual ones for CMFDefault and
GS.  I don't see what the causes the difference.  With Zope 2.11.1 in
that buildout instead of 2.10.6 the test results were the same.

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/
            Work | http://zestsoftware.nl/
"This is your day, don't let them take it away." [Barlow Girl]

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