[Zope-CMF] GenericSetup proposal: upgrade profiles
Vincent Fretin
vincent.fretin at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 13:48:21 EDT 2009
Hi Maurits,
I have a product where I use an extension profile and 2 other
extension profiles used with upgradeStep.
For my use case, when GenericSetup 1.5 will be released, I will
rewrite my migration code to use the new upgradeDepends directive so I
don't need the 2 other extension profiles.
You gave good examples. If you add a new index in catalog.xml of the
*main* extension profile, even if you use the new upgradeDepends
directive to reimport the catalog step, it will recreate all indexes
specified in catalog.xml.
When I reinstall a product generated in ArchGenXML which have a
catalog.xml file, all indexes are reinitialized and I go to
portal_catalog to rebuild the catalog manually.
So using an UPGRADE profile with a catalog.xml containing only the new
index and if it can rebuild the index when the step is imported, it
will be good.
And I had the use case for creating a new property in a property sheet
in portal_properties.
I simply gave up doing it with XML because it flushed the value every
time I reinstalled.
I've done a step in python to not reinitialize the property when I
reinstall the product.
Vincent Fretin
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 2:42 AM, Maurits van
Rees<m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> Products.GenericSetup/interfaces.py says:
> I propose adding another one:
> and possibly a fourth one:
> Intro
> -----
> This refs a small discussion on the Plone developers list at the end
> of May, which can be interesting (but not necessary) as background:
> http://plone.org/support/forums/core#nabble-tc2966873|a2973467
> The meaning should be reasonably clear from the names:
> - BASE: completely new install; purge existing settings; usually
> applied once during the lifetime of the website: at creation time
> - EXTENSION: extend a BASE profile; do not purge existing settings;
> might get applied multiple times during the lifetime of the website.
> - UPGRADE: upgrade for a BASE or EXTENSION profile; no purge; usually
> applied once. Actually, it does not need to be tied to another
> profile in any way: it is just a bunch of import steps that need to
> be applied once.
> - UNINSTALL: undo what was done while applying another profile (BASE,
> EXTENSION or less likely an UPGRADE); no purge; usually applied once:
> when uninstalling the product that the profile belongs to.
> - Hm, let's throw TEST (value 5) in as an idea as well: a non-purging
> profile that is meant to be applied during the automated tests but
> not during normal use. Can anyone come up with a use case?
> - And I suddenly wonder if it is handy to define SNAPSHOT (value 6)
> here too. Might this make some of the special handling for
> snapshots easier or unnecessary? If someone wants to plea for that:
> go ahead. :)
> I do not have plans for UNINSTALL, TEST or SNAPSHOT, but I think
> UPGRADE would be handy, so let's concentrate on that one.
> Proposal
> --------
> - Add UPGRADE to the GS interfaces.py, for use in the 'provides' line
> of a profile registration in zcml:
> provides="Products.GenericSetup.interfaces.UPGRADE"
> - Show only BASE and EXTENSION profiles and not UPGRADE (or other)
> profiles in some parts of the UI, so that those parts are not
> cluttered by too many profiles.
> Third party products can then register one true EXTENSION profile that
> is meant to be applied when installing the product, and several
> UPGRADE profiles meant to be applied once, without confusing for
> example the CMFQuickInstaller in Plone.
> Use case
> --------
> For our use case we assume that you have made an add-on product. It
> has an EXTENSION profile. You have applied the profile in a website.
> Now you want to add a catalog index. Your options are:
> A. Add this in the current extension profile. This means that any
> time you apply this profile this index will be removed and
> recreated so you lose data; you need to reindex the index (manually
> or in python code - not GenericSetup) and that takes time.
> B. Add an upgrade step. Works fine, but this needs python code along
> these lines:
> indexes = catalog.indexes()
> if 'new' not in indexes:
> catalog.addIndex('new', 'some_meta_type')
> catalog.manage_reindexIndex(ids=['new'])
> But why add python code when there is already a perfectly fine
> import handler that can read a catalog.xml? We are back to the
> dark days before there was GenericSetup then. (Well, okay, writing
> python code is not *that* bad. ;-))
> C. Add it to the current extension profile. Do not apply this profile
> ever again: only once at install time. Instead add an upgrade step
> that applies the catalog step from this profile. But this has
> basically the same problem as option A: if you later add a second
> catalog index you would need to create a new upgrade step to apply
> the catalog step and then your first index would be removed and
> recreated empty again.
> D. Define a new EXTENSION profile that just has a catalog.xml. Either
> go to the import tab of portal_setup to run all steps of that
> profile, or create an upgrade step that does this. But this means
> that in several spots the list of available profiles gets longer,
> which threatens to make it hard to use.
> The migration machinery of CMFPlone is moving to the
> plone.app.upgrade package (not released yet), which already defines
> about 24 upgrade steps with 11 extension profiles and that will
> only increase, potentially one for each point release of Plone.
> See http://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.app.upgrade/trunk
> (And the CMFQuickInstaller can get confused when a package has more
> than one profile; but that is not a problem for this mailing list,
> and I expect that in Plone 4 either the CMFQuickInstaller is gone
> or it ends up as just a small wrapper around GenericSetup.)
> Similar arguments could be made about adding a property to a property
> sheet: you only want to do that once and not override any changes made
> to that property by a site admin when you reapply the profile.
> So I think another option would help:
> E. Define an UPGRADE profile that just has a catalog.xml. Going to
> the import tab of portal_setup should not list this profile, but
> only EXTENSION and BASE profiles, so that list is not so cluttered
> anymore. You now just create an upgrade step that applies the
> profile.
> Implementation
> --------------
> The biggest changes (which are not actually that big) in GenericSetup
> code would be:
> - in tool.py make sure that purge is only True for BASE profiles:
> def _getImportContext(...):
> ...
> #should_purge = (info.get('type') != EXTENSION)
> should_purge = (info.get('type') == BASE)
> def listContextInfos(self):
> - In registry.py (and tool.py) allow listing only some types, for
> example here:
> def listProfiles( self, for_=None, types=None ):
> if types is None:
> # possibly add SNAPSHOT here.
> types = [BASE, EXTENSION]
> result = []
> for profile_id in self._profile_ids:
> info = self.getProfileInfo( profile_id )
> if for_ is None or issubclass( for_, info['for'] ):
> if info['type'] in types:
> result.append( profile_id )
> return tuple( result )
> And then some template changes and of course tests.
> As a bonus it may be handy to combine the zcml registration of the
> upgrade step and the upgrade profile, but that will be technically
> more difficult. Something like this:
> <genericsetup:upgradeStep
> title="Add catalog index"
> description=""
> source="1"
> destination="2"
> directory="profiles/upgrade2"
> name="upgrade2"
> />
> This would then register directory profiles/upgrade2 as an UPGRADE
> profile with name 'upgrade2' and register an upgrade step that applies
> that profile. But that is icing on the cake and I am not sure if we
> need more zcml constructs here.
> I could do these changes (on a branch of course).
> Questions
> ---------
> Is this feature interesting for inclusion in GenericSetup?
> Is it in scope for 1.5.x?
> Is anyone already registering profiles using numbers other than 1
> (BASE) or 2 (EXTENSION)?
> Do you see a use case for UNINSTALL, TEST, or SNAPSHOT?
> Other comments?
> Cheers,
> --
> Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/
> Work | http://zestsoftware.nl/
> "This is your day, don't let them take it away." [Barlow Girl]
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