[Zope-CMF] More browser views

yuppie y.2010 at wcm-solutions.de
Wed Apr 7 09:34:57 EDT 2010


Charlie Clark wrote:
> Am 07.04.2010, 14:27 Uhr, schrieb yuppie<y.2010 at wcm-solutions.de>:
>> I have a LoginFormView and a MailPasswordFormView in my private
>> repository. They allow to insert the email address instead of the member
>> id. The views look up the first user that matches the email address.
> No changes required to CookieCrumber?

Where is auto_login_page used? A quick look at the code tells me it is 
only used for the unauth redirect. And that seems to be generally 
broken, at least on trunk :(

Never noticed that. Doesn't work with my view either.



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