[Zope-CMF] 2.3

Charlie Clark charlie.clark at clark-consulting.eu
Wed Mar 21 16:56:18 UTC 2012

Am 21.03.2012, 16:47 Uhr, schrieb Jens Vagelpohl <jens at dataflake.org>:

> If we keep piling up tasks that are too big to be tackled in a small  
> amount of time as part of the release process we'll never get anything  
> released. I would classify both these items as "nice to have, but not on  
> the critical path".

True. I've done a *very* basic port of the docs to ReST so that Sphinx  
will at least generate stuff. This has been done by copying the exiting  
STX files and renaming them. Should they be moved instead to preserve the  

Charlie Clark
Managing Director
Clark Consulting & Research
German Office
Kronenstr. 27a
D- 40217
Tel: +49-211-600-3657
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226

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