[Zope-CMF] Security declarations on adapters

Charlie Clark charlie.clark at clark-consulting.eu
Thu Sep 6 12:06:25 UTC 2012

Am 06.09.2012, 13:11 Uhr, schrieb yuppie <y.2012 at wcm-solutions.de>:

> Good.
>  What is, in your view, missing from a final release?
>  Laurence proposed some changes for the utilities:
> https://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-cmf/2012-September/030381.html

>  If we agree that's the way to go, I'd like to have his changes in CMF  
> 2.3 before the final release.

Unless something downstream is dependent on these kind of changes I don't  
see any reason to including them at this late stage.

>  All the other unfinished tasks can be deferred to CMF 2.4.

Do we have a list of these unfinished tasks? Off the top of my head:  
correcting the docs.

I'd also like to see at least minimal support for a WYSIWYG editor for  
HTML-text fields. Not sure if this should be part of CMF or a standalone  
formlib addition because of the external dependencies.

>  The last beta was at the end of March so maybe it's time for another one
> to include all the formlib stuff you've worked on?

>  I use CMF trunk in production, so I don't need a beta release. But it  
> might be a good idea if other people want a beta for testing.

I definitely think another beta would make sense: my own sites don't use  
trunk simply what PyPI spits out.

How can we get the sphinxified docs into the release process?

Charlie Clark
Managing Director
Clark Consulting & Research
German Office
Kronenstr. 27a
D- 40217
Tel: +49-211-600-3657
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226

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