[Zope-Coders] Zope test results

background@shane.zope.com background@shane.zope.com
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 11:06:51 -0500 (EST)

Ran 1102 tests in 165.342s


2.5 branch
Module testSessionDataManager.py failed to load
exceptions.ImportError: cannot import name MountedTemporaryFolder
  File "utilities/testrunner.py", line 60, in getSuiteFromFile
   File "/home/background/zopetest/lib/python/Products/Sessions/tests/testSessionDataManager.py", line 27, in ?
    from Products.TemporaryFolder.TemporaryFolder import MountedTemporaryFolder

Ran 1083 tests in 167.144s


Head with Python 2.2

/home/background/zopetest/lib/python/TAL/TALInterpreter.py:421: DeprecationWarning: strop functions are obsolete; use string methods
  i = rfind(s, '\n')
/home/background/zopetest/lib/python/TAL/TALInterpreter.py:293: DeprecationWarning: strop functions are obsolete; use string methods
  if self.html and lower(name) in BOOLEAN_HTML_ATTRS:
/home/background/zopetest/lib/python/TAL/TALInterpreter.py:269: DeprecationWarning: strop functions are obsolete; use string methods
  i = rfind(name, ":") + 1
Ran 1104 tests in 174.184s