[Zope-Coders] Linux Test Results - Zope HEAD - Not OK :-(

zope-tests@squishdot.org zope-tests@squishdot.org
Tue, 08 Jul 2003 03:38:37 +0100

Python Version:2.2.3 (#1, Jun 10 2003, 13:52:48) 
[GCC 2.95.2 20000220 (Debian GNU/Linux)]

Modules included:
Zope (HEAD)

Warning: no test input files found!!!
/stuff/chrisw/ZopeTests/sandbox/Zope/lib/python/SearchIndex/__init__.py:19: DeprecationWarning: The usage of the SearchIndex package is deprecated since Zope 2.4.
This package is only kept for backwards compatibility for a while
and will go away in a future release.

Please use instead the re-factored modules in Products/PluginIndexes.

  warnings.warn("The usage of the SearchIndex package is deprecated since \