[Zope-Coders] Moving source code management to subversion

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp@weitershausen.de
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 13:28:08 -0500

Hello everyone,

while we enjoy the use of version control every day, we also suffer pain 
from time to time because of using CVS. Many people who have been making 
extensive use of branches know what pain I'm talking about.

Now that subversion is in the works and already used by its own 
developers, the Apache community, Perl, Oracle and Xiph.Org -- just to 
name a few --, I think it's worth discussing about switching to 
subversion at least for Zope3 development.

Inspired by a discussion on #zope3-dev in which Jim and Steve were 
greatly in favour of subversion, I wrote the following proposal. 
Comments are greatly appreciated:

For those of you not having yet played with subversion, I suggest 
installing subversion and trying it out with a local repository. The 
subversion book at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ gives good documentation 
as well as a whole chapter for CVS users switching to subversion.

Information about subversion itself as well as source archives, RPMs and 
Windows binaries can be obtained at http://subversion.tigris.org/. 
Debian users may install the 'subversion' package from unstable.

Looking forward to your input,
