[Zope-Coders] Re: [Zip] i18n:attributes in 2.7

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp@weitershausen.de
Fri, 25 Jul 2003 09:19:19 -0500

Jim Fulton wrote:
> At the time we decided to change the spec, we looked through the plone
> templates and found no case where multiple attributes in the same element
> were translated.   So we judged that there was not a backward compatability
> issue.
> Do you know of any existing templates that translate multiple attributes in
> the same element?

Yes, in Plone 1.1 CVS HEAD. Changing this behaviour in an incompatible 
way would really mean that Plone would either depend only on 2.6 or on 
2.7. Plus, why are we only looking at Plone? Maybe other users are using 
it out there...

We need to keep it around at least for 2.7 and can mark it deprecated 
and remove it in 2.8.

Who'll make the fix for 2.7?
